


     Computer = Common Operating Machine Particularly used for Technology and Education

What is Computer ?

                                             A Computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic (or) Logical operations automatically via programming. In now a Days , the modern computer follow the sets of Operations called Programs.

              Father of Computer

              Charles Babbage (1791-1871)  

First Computer

             In 1943 The First Computer was invented by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania was not completed until 1946. The Computer named as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integratorand Computer)

About ENIAC Computer

                  Weight = 50 tons

               Size = 1800 sq.ft

               18,000 vaccum tubes

               7,200 diodes

               1,500 relays

               70,000 resistors

               10,000 capacitors

Types of Computers

          ·      Supercomputer

·      Mainframe

·      Microcontroller

·      Server Computer

·      Personal Computer

·      Workstation Computer

·      Smart Phone

Parts of Computer

·      Monitor

·      Keyboard

·      Mouse

·      CPU (Central Processing Unit)

·      RAM (Random Access Memory)

·      ROM (Read Only Memory)

·      Motherboard

·      Floppy Drive

·      Hard Drive

·      CD ROM



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