Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)



                Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an Application Layer.It was Developed by Tim Berner's Lee in 1989. HTTP Working as Request and Response. HTTP Gives a way to interact with web resources like html documents. Generally it uses TCP ( Transmission ci=ontrol Protocol )

  • It is a Protocol to Transfer web contennt over the ihnternet 

  •  It is Stateless

  •  HTTP Does not Store any User data 

  •  In the Beginning HTTP is used to handle only the html documents 

  •  It cannot Handle or Process any images, Videos etc...

HTTP Methods:

                                             GET : Request the server to send Data

                                             POST : Request the server to store data in server

                                              PUT : The PUT method request that the target resources creates or updates its state with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request

                                              DELETE : The DELETE method request the target resources delete its state

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